No two things are more important to the life of a congregation than the Lord's Supper and the church supper. We know God best through relationship with our sisters and brothers, and so it is essential for us to spend time together. In addition to church suppers, covered dish dinners, and other events, these fellowship opportunities are offered on a regular basis.

Christian Women's Fellowship

The Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) meets the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM. The group sponsors church service projects and community outreach efforts. All women of the church are encouraged to take an active part in CWF.

Disciples Men

The Disciples Men meet for prayer, fellowship, and breakfast the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM at Strickland's Restaurant. All men of the church are encouraged to attend.


The Funseekers travel to area restaurants to share a meal about once a month. Mealtimes are the third Tuesday of each month. Everyone is invited to attend.

While we are on a break from FunSeekers right now, we look forward to beginning our outings again soon!