
Sunday Schedule

10:00 am — Sunday School

11:00 am — Morning Worship

4:00 pm — Youth Fellowship Groups

In worship we bring our whole selves to God, as we gather together to hear the Good News proclaimed. We respond to the gospel with the gifts of bread and cup as we share in communion. Nourished and empowered at the table, we are sent forth to live in peace, love, and service.

Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 11:00 AM, and features a blended worship experience.  We sing new songs as well as traditional hymns and old favorites. We also have scripture, prayers, inspiring sermons, uplifting music offered by our choir, handbells and praise band, and a warm community that embraces diversity, knows and loves one another, and welcomes all.


We also offer a variety of special services throughout the Christian year, like our Hanging of the Greens service on the first Sunday in Advent, a candlelight Christmas Eve communion service, Ash Wednesday and other special Lenten worship experiences, an outdoor Easter Sunrise service, and a special All Saints celebration the first Sunday in November. Check out the upcoming events page to see what special worship opportunities are on the horizon.

We have opportunities for musicians in many areas of worship. If you are interested in joining our worship band, sanctuary choir, or handbell choir, join us at practice or contact our music director, J.R. Beckwith. Our musicians practice on Wednesday evenings; worship band meets at 6:00PM, choir meets at 7:00PM and handbells meets at 8:00PM.