The Prayerful Pause - February 26

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

There's something extraordinary about witnessing people using their God-given gifts to help those in need. This week, we saw a perfect example at Family Promise's signature fundraising event, La Tablé. The annual silent auction bake sale was a sight to see. Our Union bakers and those from other churches truly outdid themselves this year! As someone who does not bake, I am so thankful that you know how to bake and use your gifts to serve others. The auction tables were overflowing with cakes, cookies, brownies, pies, and breads—each one lovingly crafted and generously given to support Family Promises' transformational ministry to those experiencing homelessness.

And then, of course, there were Patti Clark and Kelly Hansford. In addition to their regular services coordinating our ministries with Family Promise, they have quietly and faithfully organized the silent auction bake sale for La Tablé for several years. Their attention to detail, creativity, and passion for helping families experiencing homelessness have made this event a highlight of La Tablé. This year, in recognition of their dedication and hard work, Patti and Kelly were named Family Promise Volunteers of the Year. What a well-deserved honor! We at Union are thankful and proud of their sacrificial and dedicated service.

This Silent Auction Bake Sale reminds us that serving God doesn’t always mean standing in the spotlight. Sometimes, it’s found in the careful mixing of ingredients, the wrapping of baked goods, or the organizing of auction tables. It’s in the meaningful acts of service that bring joy to others and help change lives.

Each of us has been given unique gifts—some bake, some organize, some encourage, and some lead. No matter what your gifts are, when you use them to serve others, you become a faithful steward of God’s love and grace.

This week, may we each look for opportunities to serve according to our giftedness, trusting that God uses every offering, big or small, for his glory.

Jesus loves you, Union Family, and I do too!

The Prayerful Pause - February 19

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23

What helps you remain hopeful when facing uncertainty? That’s this week’s question of the week. Uncertainty is a part of life. We face moments when the future feels unsure, when circumstances seem beyond our control, and when the weight of the unknown presses upon us. It can be easy to slip into fear or doubt when we are unsure. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we are called to a different response—hope.

Throughout His life and ministry, Jesus encountered uncertainty. From His birth in a manger to the moments leading up to His crucifixion, He walked a path that would be difficult to navigate without a heart full of hope. Yet, Jesus’ heart was filled with hope and an unwavering trust in His Father. When the disciples feared a storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus remained calm, reminding them that faith was greater than fear. When faced with opposition from religious leaders, He continued His mission, knowing that God's plan was unfolding even when others did not understand.

So, how do we remain hopeful when facing uncertainty? Here are four faith-filled steps we can take toward hope.

Remember God’s Faithfulness – Just as Jesus trusted His Father, we can look back on how God has been faithful in our lives. The same God who has walked with us in the past will not leave us now.

Stay Rooted in Prayer – Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to pray. When we spend time with God, our fears shrink, and our trust grows.

Fix Our Eyes on the Bigger Story – Jesus’ resurrection reminds us that even when the road seems dark, God is still at work. The uncertainty we face in life is not the end of the story. Let’s ask God to give us eyes to see the larger story of how He leads us with love, even when the way forward is unclear.

Lean on Community – Jesus did not walk alone; He surrounded Himself with His disciples and friends. We also can find strength from God and each other when we journey together in faith.

If you are facing uncertainty today, remember that hope is not just a feeling—it is a choice to trust in the One who holds all things together and works all things together for good. Take heart, beloved, for He has overcome the world and wants to fill us with His hope.

Jesus loves you, Union Family and I do too!

The Prayerful Pause - February 12

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
—Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

As Valentine's Day approaches this week, I’ve been thinking about what real, lasting love looks like. Romantic love can be amazing, and it can also be messy and sometimes comes with heartache. But there’s one love that never changes, never gives up, and never runs out—God’s love. 

God’s love isn’t like anything else we experience. It doesn’t depend on whether we have it all together. It doesn’t fade when we make mistakes. His love is steady, strong, and always there. Here are five things to hold onto when thinking about God’s love this week.

God's Love is Unconditional
In so many relationships, love feels like something we have to earn. We try to say the right things, do the right things, and be the person others expect us to be. But God loves us exactly as we are. Before we ever turned toward him, he was already reaching out to us. His love isn't based on our goodness but on his goodness.

God's Love is Sacrificial
The deepest kind of love gives without expecting anything in return. That’s the kind of love Jesus showed when he gave his life for us. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” His love isn’t just words—it’s action. He gave everything so we could know that love fully.

God's Love is With Us in Hard Times
When life gets heavy, it’s easy to wonder where God is. But his love isn’t just for the good days—it’s for the hard ones too. Psalm 34:18 reminds us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” He may not take away every struggle, but he promises to be right there in the middle of it with us.

God's Love Changes Us
Real love doesn't leave us the same. When we truly know God loves us, it changes the way we see ourselves and the ways we interact with others. His love shapes us, heals us, and helps us become more like Jesus.

God's Love Brings Us Together
One of the most beautiful things about God’s love is that it connects us. His love reminds us that we belong—not just to him, but to each other. When we live in his love, we learn to love one another as he loves us. With his love, we can forgive more easily, encourage more often, and walk alongside each other through life’s ups and downs. His love creates family, even among people who seem to have nothing in common.

Let's thank God for his incredible love this week! I am so glad I see it lived out in our life and ministry together! Jesus loves you, Union Family, and I do too!

The Prayerful Pause - February 5

I've been thinking a lot about the importance of servant leadership lately. In preparing our sermon series on the Book of Esther, I found myself inspired and challenged as we explored leadership lessons from Esther’s story and Jesus’ life and ministry.

God calls faithful servants to lead, guide, and care in every season of our ministry together. Leadership in the church is not about status or recognition—it is about answering God's call to serve with humility, courage, wisdom, and love. Just as Jesus chose and equipped his disciples for ministry, we also trust that God is already preparing the hearts of those who will step into leadership at Union in the years ahead. 

Each February and March, our Elders prayerfully begin the nomination process for the next church year. Our Elders serve as Union’s nominating committee and extend invitations to others to serve as Elders, Deacons, Administrative Officers, and At-Large members of the Church Council. Our Elders approach this task seriously, seeking to listen and discern God’s direction.

Over the next several weeks, we invite you to take part in this important process. Your participation is vital and a marker of a healthy congregational church. Here are three simple steps you can take to nominate people to serve in leadership positions at Union.

  1. Prayerfully Consider – Take time to read the job descriptions for Elders, Deacons, and Administrative Officers available in the Gathering Space. Reflect on the qualities of leadership found in Scripture—faithfulness, wisdom, compassion, and a servant's heart. You can also read the e-job descriptions at the link below.                                                                       

  2. Pray for Guidance – Seek God's direction as you consider who might be called to serve. Pray for those already leading and for those whom God may be preparing to step forward in faith.                                                                                                               

  3. Submit a Nomination – If someone comes to mind who embodies the spirit of servant leadership, or if you feel personally called to serve, submit a nomination by February 23. Forms can be turned in to Nickie in the church office or placed in the Leadership Nomination Box in the Gathering Space.

Let us join together in prayer, trusting that God will guide us to the leaders he is calling for the next season of ministry at Union. Thank you for your faithful participation in this process! May God guide all of us to be servant leaders, following Jesus’ example in the church and wherever we go each day.

Jesus loves you, Union Family, and I do, too!

The Prayerful Pause - January 29

As February approaches, many people turn their attention to love—expressing it, celebrating it, and sharing it. For us as Christians, it’s also a time to reflect on the immeasurable, unconditional love God has for us. This love is not fleeting or dependent on what we do or don’t do; it is a constant, abiding presence in our lives.
When David and I were teaching overseas, I often shared a song with my students called You Are Loved by the group Stars Go Dim. Its powerful lyrics remind us that God's love remains steadfast even in our most challenging moments. The song's chorus has these words:
If your heart's in a thousand pieces,
If you're lost and you're far from reason,
Just look up; know you are loved.
Just look up; know you are loved.

This February, as a church, we want to embrace this truth and share it with our community in a tangible way through our You Are Loved project. As part of this initiative, we're reaching out to 20 young families in our community to remind them that they are deeply loved by God and by the Union Church family. To accomplish this, we will be gifting insulated red tumblers to families that we know who are without a church home. These tumblers say, “You are loved,” along with a fingerprint heart—a reminder of God's unique and personal love for each of us. These tumblers will be filled with:

  • Bible verses to remind families that they are created in the Image of God and loved unconditionally by him.

  • Information about Union Christian Church, including details about our youth and children’s ministries.

  • Invitations to upcoming services and special events.

This outreach is not just about sharing a gift; it's about extending an invitation into a community where people can experience God's love firsthand.
Our youth and children will be active participants in this project. They'll help place the items in the tumblers and deliver them to families in the community.

We invite everyone in the congregation to join us in praying for these young families and for this outreach effort. Pray that God’s love will be evident in these simple gifts and that they will open the door for meaningful connections with families looking for a church home.
Together, let’s share the incredible truth, “You are loved.”
Jesus loves you, Union Family, and I do too!

The Prayerful Pause - January 22

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." – Isaiah 1:18
There’s just something about snow, isn’t there? We've seen it twice now this winter. I know that some love snow and some don't, but it always reminds me of God’s presence. Snow wraps the world in a blanket of quiet beauty. Everything gets covered—trees, roofs, even the potholes—and for a little while, the mess of the world looks fresh and new. For me, it’s God’s way of reminding us he can take what’s ordinary (or even downright rough) and turn it into something lovely.
Snow also seems to whisper, “Slow down, rest a bit, and notice God’s hand at work.” Indeed, the hustle and bustle of life come to a screeching halt here in the South when snow falls. The roads clear out, plans get canceled, and the noisy rush of the day gives way to stillness. In that quiet, it’s like God is leaning in and saying, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Snow has a way of stopping us in our tracks and reminding us that while the world might feel out of control, God has still got it all in his hands.
The snow also brings a lot of fun to the young or young at heart! When we see a snow-covered yard, we think about children building a snowman, making a snow angel, or launching a snowball. There’s joy built into those moments, and it’s a reflection of the joy God wants us to have. As Ecclesiastes says, “There’s a time for everything” (3:1)—and snowy days remind us that there’s a time to rest and a time to play. Both are ways to enjoy the gracious gifts God has given us.
But snow isn't just about beauty and fun. It carries a deeper message, too. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that just as snow covers the ground, God's grace covers our sins. Even when our lives feel messy or broken, God can make us fresh and new each day through his love and grace.
So, as you look out at the snow today, let the quiet beauty of God’s creation teach you something. Curl up with a cup of hot coffee or cocoa and take in the view, or if you are up for it, bundle up and head outside to laugh and play. Whether you’re resting or rejoicing on this snow day, let it be a moment to draw near to God and hear him saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
A Prayer for a Snowy Day:
Gracious and Loving God, thank you for the beauty of snow and how it reminds us of your presence, grace, and love. Help us to pause and soak in your peace. Help us play and delight in your good gifts. Help us rest in the assurance that you are making all things new. In Jesus Name, we pray, Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - January 15

We look forward to gathering for our upcoming congregational meeting on Sunday, January 26, after worship. We will consider several important matters at this meeting, including our proposed Child Protection Policy.

We are excited that our ministry with children and youth is thriving, and we take Jesus' call seriously: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Thus, one of the primary responsibilities of our church is to ensure that we are fostering a safe and nurturing environment for our children, youth, and the dedicated volunteers who serve in these ministries. This policy is being introduced to ensure we are following best practices for protecting the well-being of everyone involved.

The development of this policy has been a thorough and thoughtful process that took about a year. Our church administrator, Nickie, worked with input from Heather and Holly to draft the policy. During the process, Nickie researched policies other churches were using and incorporated language and best practices recommended by our insurance provider. From there, the final draft of the policy was thoughtfully reviewed by the Personnel Committee and the Church Council to ensure it aligns with our mission and values. Now, we present it to you for your consideration at the called Congregational Meeting on January 26. Please take a moment to read the policy before the meeting. You can read it at the link below or pick up a printed copy in the Gathering Space.

This policy is an important step forward in our ministry with children and youth as it reflects our commitment to stewardship, safety, and the care of our youngest members and volunteers. We encourage everyone to attend the meeting and participate in this important step for our church family.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we seek to honor God in all we do. Please join me in continuing to pray for our children, youth, and their families!

I love you, Union Family! It's a joy to be your pastor!

The Prayerful Pause - January 8

As we settle into 2025, our January Sermon Series “For Such a Time as This” will focus on the story of Esther. Her story is one of courage, faith, and God’s providence. Though God’s name is never mentioned in the Book of Esther, his fingerprints are visible throughout every chapter, reminding us that God is always at work—even when he seems silent. This month, as we reflect on lessons from the Book of Esther in worship, let’s focus on seeking God and how he is calling us to lead with courage and faith in this new year.

Below is a prayer for us to pray together as we begin this Sermon Series. Let’s pray it with openness to the new things God may wish to do in us and through us at such a time as 2025.
A New Year’s Prayer: For Such a Time as This

O Lord of every season,
Here we are, standing at the entry of a brand-new year.
We don't know what it will bring, but you do,
And so we place our trust in your steady hands.
Use us, Lord, for such a time as this.
Make us bold like Esther, willing to step forward,
Even when the way is uncertain.
Plant our feet on paths of love and grace,
And teach us to walk humbly with you each day.
May our hearts be soft and ready to listen to your call.
May our hands be open, ready to share what we've been given.
May our voices be strong and ready to speak truth and kindness.
And may our lives be rooted in your great purpose,
So that everything we do points back to you.
This year, Lord, let us be your people—
A light in the darkness, a shelter in the storm,
A helping hand to the weary,
And a song of hope for the brokenhearted.
Guide us, Lord, and grow us in your love.
Use us, shape us, send us—
For such a time as this.
In Jesus’ name, we pray,

The Prayerful Pause - December 18

Each Wednesday in Advent, I will share a prayer for us to pray together as a church family. The theme of this week’s prayer is joy since we lit the candle of joy this past Sunday in worship. As you pray this week’s prayer of joy, may God fill your heart with the joy that only Jesus can bring.  I love you, Union family, and pray that your week is filled with the joy of the Lord.
Lord, we come to you just as we are. Some of us feel tired, others are full of delight at this time of year. Yet, all of us are looking for your joy to guide us forward. You, God, are the one who plants joy in our hearts. Even when life feels heavy and hard, your joy breaks through like flowers growing in the cracks of the sidewalk.
We thank you for the little things in life—stars shining on a cold night, children laughing as they play, the warmth of holding someone’s hand, and the courage to keep going when life feels challenging. You remind us that “the joy of the Lord is our strength,” and we hold on to that promise. Real joy isn’t just a passing feeling. It’s a steady confidence that you are with us and can always be trusted.
O God, during this season of waiting, may your joy give us the strength we need to love others, to share your light, and to trust you on the journey. You are the source of our joy. You are our Emmanuel, God with us! We love you and thank you for your joy, not only during this season, but each day.
 With hearts full of the joy of Jesus, we say Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - December 11

Each Wednesday in Advent, I will share a prayer for us to pray together as a church family. The theme of this week’s prayer is peace since we lit the candle of peace this past Sunday in worship. As you pray this week’s prayer, may God fill your heart with the deep peace of Christ.  I love you, Union family, and I am praying for us as we serve as instruments of God’s peace in the world.

Dear Lord,

We come to You today with hearts full of all kinds of things—worries and wonder, busyness and blessings— but right now, we want to lay it all down at Your feet. You’re the maker of the sunrise, the keeper of the stars, and the One who speaks stillness into storms. So, here we are, asking for the deep peace only you can give.

Help us hear your still, small voice when the world feels too noisy. When our hearts race with fear, slow us down with your calm assurance. And when life gets messy—because it always does—remind us that You’re in the middle of it, steadying us with Your love.

Teach us, Lord, to be peacemakers. May our words be soft and our actions gentle, so the world gets just a little glimpse of heaven every time Your peace flows through us.

Lord, we pray for peace in the world—between nations, within communities, within families, and in the hearts of every person. Help us not just to long for peace but to actively work for it, sharing Your love and grace wherever we go. May we, as your instruments, be the bearers of your peace in a world that so desperately needs it.

Thank You for being our refuge when things feel shaky. Thank You for your promises that never fail. Thank You for loving us just as we are and always growing us in Your grace.

In the name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace, we pray. Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - December 5

Each Wednesday in Advent, I will share a prayer for us to pray together as a church family. The theme of this week’s prayer is hope since we lit the candle of hope this past Sunday in worship. In the coming weeks, I will share prayers of peace, joy, and love. As you pray this week’s prayer of hope, may God fill your heart with anticipation and draw you closer to Christ.  I love you, Union family, and pray that your week is filled with the hope that only Christ can bring.
A Prayer of Hope for Advent
Oh, Gracious God of All Seasons,
As we step into Advent, a season of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Christ, our hearts turn to you, the giver of hope that never fails. Like the morning sun breaking through a dark night, your promises light our way, steady and true.
We give thanks for the stories of those who waited before us—your people waiting for the promised Messiah, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Anna and Simeon, and the Magi. Their stories of faith and trust in your promises, even in times of uncertainty, remind us that you are always working, weaving hope into our longest days and darkest nights. Let the stories of their faith inspire ours. Let the stories of their trust steady our steps.
O God, who makes crooked paths straight and fills valleys with streams of living water, teach us to see the glimpses of the hope you plant all around us. In a child’s laugh, in the kindness of a neighbor, in the quiet stillness of prayer—you whisper, “I am here. Do not be afraid.” May the calm assurance of your presence fill our hearts with hope.
When the world feels heavy, remind us that you are the God who moves mountains, breaks chains, and opens the door to new beginnings. In this Season of Advent, may we feel the warmth of your love, carrying us forward into the story you are still writing. Shape our hearts to wait for you with courage and joy. Fill us with hope that stretches beyond ourselves. Let us remember that we are the bearers of this hope, the messengers of your love and Good News. May we share this hope with those who need to hear of your love and Good News.
Help us not rush full steam ahead into Christmas but prayerfully linger in the in-between of Advent—waiting, watching, preparing, and planting seeds of hope, peace, joy, and love in a weary world as we wait for Christ to come again.
Come, Lord Jesus. Fill this season with your light, and let the hope you offer anchor our souls.
In the Name of Christ, We pray, Amen.

The Prayerful Pause - November 20

Throughout November, we've been pausing to thank God for the many ways he is making an impact through the Union Family. This week, I  want to ask you to pause and thank God for our church staff and pray for them.  
We thank God for Nickie! Please pray for Nickie as she serves in the church office with amazing attention to detail, boundless compassion, and great love.
We thank God for J.R.! Please pray for J.R. as he offers expert guidance and ministry to the choir, worship band, and congregation while seamlessly handling our A.V. needs.
We thank God for Holly! Please pray for Holly as she ministers to our youth and children authentically while also recruiting and coordinating volunteers for these ministries.
We thank God for Gina! Please pray for Gina as her fingertips glide over the piano keys, joyously sharing God’s love with each note she plays.
We thank God for Brice! Please pray for Brice as he shares his musical and technical gifts as our Music and Technology Assistant with dedication and enthusiasm.
We thank God for Emily and Maya! Please pray for them as they care for our youngest children in the nursery with compassion and patience while modeling Jesus' wide-armed welcome and love.
We thank God for JJ and Gracie! Please pray for these young ladies as they share their musical gifts as interns in the choir. We are so thankful they have joined our music ministry team here at Union!
We thank God for our friends at Athens Cleaning Company, who clean the church weekly! Please pray for them as they clean God’s house with faithfulness and attention to detail.
We have a dedicated church staff, and I am blessed to serve alongside each of them. In addition to praying for these dedicated staff members this week, would you also pause and offer some encouraging words to them as well? The ministry of encouragement is powerful, and I am thankful for the way it's part of who you are as a congregation!
I love you, Union Family, and I thank my God each time I remember you!

The Prayerful Pause - November 13

For the next several weeks, we will focus on thanking God for those whose contributions mean so much to us. As I reflect on our Union Family, my heart is full of gratitude for the countless ways Union embodies love in action and service to God and people. Let me share just a few reasons why I thank my God every time I remember each of you:

Our Craft Group: This dedicated group has lovingly crafted over 1,100 fleece comfort pillows for those undergoing medical treatments in our area. Some pillows have gone to cancer treatment centers, while others have gone to places that care for sick children. This ministry is a reflection of compassion that brings hope and comfort to many walking through uncertain times. The thank-you notes the group has gotten from those who have received these pillows speak volumes about how a small act of kindness can make a profound difference. We thank God for our Craft Group!

Our Hospitality Team: Time and again, this team has opened their hearts and hands to provide meals for families, memorial services, church gatherings, and special events like our recent Veterans' appreciation luncheon. Our Hospitality Team's ministry not only feeds the body but also nourishes the soul. I am particularly moved by recent stories I’ve heard from two different community members. Both of these women shared how deeply their friends were touched by the care and warmth they experienced at these meals after a funeral service. We thank God for our Hospitality Team!

Our GriefShare Leaders: In a time when people are navigating some of their hardest moments, our GriefShare leaders stand as a source of comfort, support, and hope. Their willingness to listen, guide, and share Christ’s love in a tangible way brings light to those walking through the shadow of grief. Thank you for your selfless service, your empathy, and the time you devote to this vital ministry. We thank God for our GriefShare Leaders!

Our Choir, Praise Band, and Musicians: Each week, Union’s choir and musical team come together to rehearse and prepare with unwavering dedication. Their passion for worship and love for God and each other are evident as they lead us in song and share prayer updates with each other. Music has the power to lift our spirits and draw us closer to Christ, and their faithfulness enriches our worship profoundly. We thank God for our Musicians!

Our Children and Youth Ministry Volunteers: We are so thankful to those who teach and lead these vital ministries. These folks plant seeds of God’s love in the next generation, creating a space where children and young people feel welcomed, encouraged, and cherished. Knowing that the young hearts in our community are being nurtured and guided in their faith journey brings immense joy and hope to us all. We thank God for our Children and Youth Volunteers!

Take a moment today to think of the people in your life who embody this spirit of love and service. Reach out to them, as Paul did, and let them know: “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Check back here next week for more reasons to be thankful! But for now, please know how much I thank God for you, Union! I love you, and I love being your pastor!

The Prayerful Pause - November 6

In a world that often moves quickly and prioritizes the next task or deadline, we can sometimes forget to pause and express our gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions that others have made. One simple but powerful phrase—"thank you"—can uplift, honor, and acknowledge those who have given so much for the betterment of others. For the next several weeks, we will focus on thanking God for those whose contributions mean so much to us while also exploring ways to appreciate the contributions of others around us wholeheartedly.

Paul wrote these words to the Philippians; "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

This week, we will focus on thanking God for our veterans and active duty service members while also thanking them personally for their service to our country. Their courage, commitment, and sacrifices deserve special recognition and appreciation.

To thank our veterans this week, we will gather for an appreciation luncheon in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday at 11:30 AM. We will also recognize our veterans this Sunday during worship. Last Saturday, a group gathered to place flags on the graves of the 48 veterans buried in the Union Cemetery. Union Church has a long tradition of military service and we are thankful for all who have given so much.

If you are looking for a way to encourage those actively serving in the military, I invite you to write a handwritten note of encouragement to someone who is serving now. Your words can make a significant difference in their lives, reminding them that they are appreciated.  You can send a note of encouragement to an unnamed service member through a wonderful organization in Duluth, Georgia, called Hugs for Soldiers. If you would like to write a note, be sure to check out Hugs for Soldiers letter writing guidelines at and then mail your card to:

Duluth First United Methodist Church
3208 Duluth Hwy. 120
Duluth, GA 30096
Before you mail your letter, please pause and pray for the person who will receive it.
Union Family, your prayers are a powerful way to connect with and support our veterans and active service members.  As you pray this week, let's thank God each time we remember all those who serve now or have served so faithfully in the past!

The Prayerful Pause - October 30

It’s hard to believe that November is upon us! As we enter the season of gratitude, my heart is full of thankfulness for you, Union Family. Your thoughtfulness and encouragement during Pastor Appreciation Month have meant so much to me. You all are incredibly creative and have a special way of making a person feel deeply loved and appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
In November, we have so many things to look forward to together! Below are a few highlights I want to share. I pray you will take part as the Lord leads. Each of you plays a crucial role in our shared ministry as a church, and I am deeply grateful for how you let God use your gifts, talents, and skills. I am glad we are a church that actively seeks to share God's love, and your continued involvement makes a significant difference.
Sunday, November 3, is All Saints Sunday. During worship, we will light candles to remember and honor those who are now part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses. This service is always deeply meaningful as we give thanks for those who have gone before us and pointed us to the Lord.
Next Monday, November 4, at 5:30 PM, we will join other churches for a  Community Prayer Service at Watkinsville First United Methodist Church. This service is a time for us to come together as a community of Christ-followers in unity, peace, and love. In the face of political polarization and division, we are reminded that Christ calls us to unity. This gathering with other sister churches offers us a chance to lay aside our differences and seek God's unifying heart together. I hope you will join us for this special time of prayer and fellowship.
We are also looking forward to our Veteran’s Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, November 6, at 11:30 AM in the Union Fellowship Hall. This luncheon is a special time to gather, share a meal, and express our gratitude for those who have given so much in service to our country.
On Sunday, November 10, we will have our annual veterans' recognition during morning worship. If you have a loved one who has served, we would love to include their picture in our photo slideshow. Please invite a veteran to join us that Sunday as we honor their commitment and sacrifice in a spirit of gratitude and remembrance.
November also comes with a host of opportunities to share with people in need. Union will be busy sharing Thanksgiving Boxes, collecting supplies, packing Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, and volunteering with Family Promise and ACTS! I am thankful for the many ways you seek to serve and share God's love in our community! God is using you well, and I am so thankful for your continued faithfulness.
Most of all this November,  I hope you will take time each day to thank God for who he is and for what he has done in your life. He loves you, Union family, and I do too!   

The Prayerful Pause - October 23

In a world often divided over many things, God calls us to find unity in Christ and his love. In the coming weeks, we have several significant opportunities for us as a church to connect with people both within and beyond our walls. These events are not just social gatherings, but they are manifestations of God's love and unity in action. I hope you will take part as the Lord leads and also pray that God's love and unity will be evident in all of these interactions with the wider community. 

On Friday, October 25, Union members will volunteer at Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS) from 9 to 1. ACTS faithfully shares food and clothing with neighbors in need. This hands-on opportunity to serve at ACTS is not just a duty, but a joyous experience that allows us to step into God's calling to care for the vulnerable with love. Join Union friends and folks from sister churches serving at ACTS as we seek to love our community together.

This Sunday, we will welcome our local community to Union for our annual Fall Family Fun Night on Sunday, October 27, from 3-5 PM! Our Fall Family Fun Night is a chance to reach out to young families in our community and create memories that will last long after the leaves have fallen. Please take a moment to invite friends, neighbors, and family to experience the warmth of our church community at this outreach event. We still need a few more volunteers and donations to make this event a success, so please consider lending a hand. You can reach out to Holly if you would like to help.

On Monday, November 4, at 5:30 PM, we will join other churches in our area for a Community Prayer Service at Watkinsville First United Methodist Church. This service is a time for us to come together as a community of Christ followers in unity, peace, and love. In the face of political polarization and division, we are reminded that Christ calls us to unity. This service with other sister churches is an opportunity for us to lay aside our differences and seek God's unifying heart together. I hope you will join us for this special service.

This November, we also have two unique opportunities to honor the veterans in our congregation and the wider community! Please invite a veteran you know to join us for these special days.

We are hosting a Veterans' Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, November 6, at 11:30 AM in the Union Fellowship Hall. This Luncheon is a time to come together, express gratitude, and share a meal in fellowship with those who have given so much to our country.

On Sunday, November 10, we will also have our annual veterans' recognition in morning worship. If you have a loved one who has served, we would love to include their picture in our photo slideshow.

Each of these upcoming events offers a chance for us to come together in love and unity with others! Just as a puzzle cannot be complete without every piece, the tapestry of God's beloved community is made whole when Christ brings us together in his love. Let's continue prayerfully seeking connection and unity in the coming days, remembering that as Disciples, we are a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world! I love you, Union Family, and I love being your pastor, too!

The Prayerful Pause - October 16

This week, I want to share a poem with you that speaks to our 2024-25 theme, Rooted in Christ. I love the words, rhythm, and imagery in this poem even though the author is unknown. Would you pause and take some time to imagine and pray this poem for the Union family this week? May God grow us in his grace and keep us firmly Rooted in Christ!
Like a tree by the water, we stand firm and strong,
Rooted in Christ, where we truly belong.
Through storms and through drought, our foundation is sure,
For his great love, will always endure.
Roots reaching deep into mercy and grace,
Finding our strength in his warm, kind embrace.
When winds of the world try to tear us apart,
We hold fast to Jesus, the soil of our heart.
In the light of His word, we blossom and grow,
Bearing fruit in his name, letting his goodness show.
Though seasons may change and the earth may give way,
In Christ, we are planted, unmoved, day by day.
With branches outstretched, we’ll trust, and we'll sow,
Sowing seeds of his love, all the places we go.
For we’re rooted in Christ, in his kingdom we thrive,
By His Spirit and power, we’re fully alive.
When storms rage and disruptions we face,
Our roots are in Christ, at the table he sets a place.
For grounded in Jesus, we’ll flourish and stand,
Rooted in Christ, held safe in His hand. Amen.
Author Unknown

The Prayerful Pause - September 25

This year, our theme at Union is rooted in Christ, and this week, I’ve been thinking about the importance of worship and gratitude in being well-rooted in God's great love. God used these reflections to bring Psalm 100 to my mind.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come into his presence with singing.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he that made us, and we are his;
we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name.
For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
— Psalm 100 (NRSV)

Psalm 100 invites us into a jubilant worship! The Psalm opens with a call to the entire earth to make a joyful noise to the Lord. The Psalmist reminds us that worship is our exuberant response to God for who he is and what he's done for us. God is good, and we are invited to celebrate him. 

This Psalm also reminds us of our identity: we belong to God, and he cares for us like a shepherd cares for his sheep. In a world that often offers mixed messages about our worth, this is a comforting reminder that our value is firmly rooted in being God's beloved. We are his, and we can trust him to care for us.

The Psalmist calls us to enter God's presence with thanksgiving. Many studies have shown that the intentional practice of gratitude is vital to our overall health and well being. When we make a habit of daily gratitude and thanksgiving, we begin to see just how faithful and present God is in every part of our lives.

Finally, Psalm 100 ends with a declaration of God's character: "For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations." No matter how much life changes, God's love and faithfulness never do. His goodness is constant, and we can always depend on him. God is an unshakable anchor of goodness and love in a world that can so easily feel chaotic and scattered.
So today, let's take a moment to respond to Psalm 100 in three simple ways:

  1. Join me in making a joyful noise to the Lord right from where you are! Whether it's through singing, prayer, or shouting words of gratitude, let joy rise up in you and praise God out loud right where you are!

  2. Next, as you get ready for bed tonight and see your reflection in the bathroom mirror, remind yourself that you are God's beloved! You belong to God, and he cares for you like a shepherd for his sheep. Let this truth guide your heart as you prepare to rest in his love.        

  3. Take a little time to reflect on your blessings tonight before you sleep. What are you thankful for today? Spend a few moments before you doze off, whispering some "thank you, God" prayers. When you wake up, try starting your day in the same way!               

Psalm 100 is a wonderful reminder of how God uses worship and gratitude to help our roots in Christ grow deeper. Let's take time today to lean into these 3 steps and experience God's goodness in fresh ways together!

The Prayerful Pause - September 11

Psalm 34:18 comforts us with these words: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Today is the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, a day forever etched in our collective memory as we remember the profound grief and loss we experienced as a nation. That tragedy reminded us that in the midst of devastation, God’s presence is a refuge for the hurting. That day also brought people together to respond to the needs of the hurting. In the aftermath of 9/11, we were reminded that we are much stronger together than we are divided. Today, would you pause and pray, honoring all those who were lost 23 years ago?

Just as our nation united in compassion during that dark moment in history, Union was called to respond to another tragedy in our surrounding community last week. The recent Apalachee School shooting shook our community, leaving so many of us feeling helpless and heartbroken. But, just as we’ve done in the past, we rose to the moment with acts of love and solidarity as a church.

Our congregation came together in the wake of this sorrow, writing 120 heartfelt notes to encourage and uplift the Barrow County community. These notes were shared with Laura Cook and her colleagues at Bethlehem and Kennedy Elementary Schools; Pastor Cheryl Cloar and the Congregation of First Christian Church Winder; and Coach Mike Hancock, the Head Football Coach at Apalachee High School, and his colleagues and students. These notes were not just words but tangible expressions of God's love and comfort to those affected by this tragedy. They were a powerful reminder that even in times of pain, we are not alone—God can work through his people together to bring hope to the brokenhearted.

We also found an opportunity to give beyond words last week. You were so generous with last month's Oconee County Bus Driver snack collection that we had many “extra” snacks left over in the church kitchen. Through our sister church, FCC Winder, we learned about a community group in Winder that was assembling teacher, staff, and classroom care packages. Our “extra snacks” will be used for these care packages to encourage others in a small way during this heartbreaking time.

Please continue to pray for staff, students, parents, and the entire community of Barrow County. Please also pray for safety and security in all schools. Pray that God would help us in forging a way forward to help bring an end to this pandemic of senseless violence that has cost far too many lives.

As we reflect on both 9/11 and the Apalachee School shooting, we are reminded that tragedy brings us to our knees in prayer, but it also calls us to rise together in offering love and care to those who are hurting. God draws near to the brokenhearted, and one of the ways he does this is by using his people to show and share his love. I am thankful that Union continues to walk alongside hurting people, trusting that God’s healing grace will sustain us all.

I love you, Union family! You are a praying and serving church, and I give thanks for those blessings!

The Prayerful Pause - September 4

Prayer Walk Around the Church

Taking a prayer walk around the church is a powerful way to intentionally cover Union’s people, spaces, and ministries in prayer! Will you join me in the coming weeks in taking a prayer walk around the church to ask for God's presence and guidance? Here is a guide to help you as you prayer walk through Union Church! I love you Union Family! Thank you for being a praying church!

Gathering Space

  • Prayer Focus: Pray that Union Church will always welcome everyone as Christ welcomes us. Ask that the love of Christ abound in Union Church and that people feel at home and embraced by the warmth of this space.

Fellowship Hall

  • Prayer Focus: Pray for fellowship and unity within the church community. Lift up the various discipleship ministries such as Sunday School Classes, Bible Study Groups, and GriefShare. Also, pray for the community groups that meet here, including TOPS and the Garden Club, that they would find support and connection.


  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the sanctuary as a place of worship where God's presence is felt powerfully. Ask for God's guidance during services so that the messages delivered and the worship offered would draw everyone closer to him. Pause to pray at each of the pews. Pray for the people who typically sit in each pew and pray that God will bring more friends to join us as we worship God together.

Choir Room

  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the choir and all those involved in the music ministry. Ask that their talents would be used to glorify God and to lead the congregation in heartfelt worship.

Children’s Rooms

  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the children and those who teach and care for them. Ask that these rooms would be places where children experience God’s love and learn to follow Him. Pray for protection, joy, and growth in faith.

Basement Space and Classrooms

  • Prayer Focus: Pray for all activities that take place in these areas. Ask for wisdom for the teachers and leaders who use these spaces and for the growth and learning of all who gather here. Pray that these rooms would be filled with God’s light and truth.


  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the kitchen as a place of service and fellowship. Ask that the meals shared or prepared here would nourish not just bodies but also foster community and care for one another. Pray for those who serve, that they would find joy in their work.

Parking Lot

  • Prayer Focus: Pray for safety and protection over everyone who enters the parking lot. Ask that as people arrive, they would feel a sense of peace and anticipation for what God will do in their lives.


  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the children who play here, that they would experience joy and make lasting friendships. Ask for their safety and that this place would be filled with laughter and the sound of God’s children at play.


  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the gatherings that take place here, whether they are church events, picnics, or informal gatherings. Ask that the pavilion would be a place where community is built and strengthened.

Ball Field and Playground

  • Prayer Focus: Pray for the activities that take place on the ball field and playground. Pray for all who enjoy time outside in these spaces. Ask that these places would be places of fun, teamwork, and fellowship, where relationships are built and God's love is demonstrated in action.


  • Prayer Focus: Pray for peace and comfort for those who come to remember loved ones. Ask that the cemetery would be a place where the hope of resurrection and eternal life in Christ is deeply felt and that those who grieve would be comforted. Offer a prayer of thanks for all who have gone before us and ask God to help us care for the church cemetery well.

Library and Hallways

  • Prayer Focus: As you walk through the library and the hallways connecting each room, pray for the health of your family, friends, church, and also for yourself. Ask God to bring growth and healing to any physical, emotional, or mental needs within your family or church family. Pray for strength, resilience, and the grace to face each day with hope and trust in God’s goodness.

 Storage Room or Closet: Those Who Feel Isolated and Alone

  • Prayer Focus: Step into a storage room or closet and let it symbolize a place of loneliness and isolation. Pray for those who feel far away from God or from a church family. Ask God to draw them back to him and to reveal his love and grace to them in a new way.  Ask God to give you the courage to offer love and light to their lives.