Throughout November, we've been pausing to thank God for the many ways he is making an impact through the Union Family. This week, I want to ask you to pause and thank God for our church staff and pray for them.
We thank God for Nickie! Please pray for Nickie as she serves in the church office with amazing attention to detail, boundless compassion, and great love.
We thank God for J.R.! Please pray for J.R. as he offers expert guidance and ministry to the choir, worship band, and congregation while seamlessly handling our A.V. needs.
We thank God for Holly! Please pray for Holly as she ministers to our youth and children authentically while also recruiting and coordinating volunteers for these ministries.
We thank God for Gina! Please pray for Gina as her fingertips glide over the piano keys, joyously sharing God’s love with each note she plays.
We thank God for Brice! Please pray for Brice as he shares his musical and technical gifts as our Music and Technology Assistant with dedication and enthusiasm.
We thank God for Emily and Maya! Please pray for them as they care for our youngest children in the nursery with compassion and patience while modeling Jesus' wide-armed welcome and love.
We thank God for JJ and Gracie! Please pray for these young ladies as they share their musical gifts as interns in the choir. We are so thankful they have joined our music ministry team here at Union!
We thank God for our friends at Athens Cleaning Company, who clean the church weekly! Please pray for them as they clean God’s house with faithfulness and attention to detail.
We have a dedicated church staff, and I am blessed to serve alongside each of them. In addition to praying for these dedicated staff members this week, would you also pause and offer some encouraging words to them as well? The ministry of encouragement is powerful, and I am thankful for the way it's part of who you are as a congregation!
I love you, Union Family, and I thank my God each time I remember you!