The Prayerful Pause - February 26

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

There's something extraordinary about witnessing people using their God-given gifts to help those in need. This week, we saw a perfect example at Family Promise's signature fundraising event, La Tablé. The annual silent auction bake sale was a sight to see. Our Union bakers and those from other churches truly outdid themselves this year! As someone who does not bake, I am so thankful that you know how to bake and use your gifts to serve others. The auction tables were overflowing with cakes, cookies, brownies, pies, and breads—each one lovingly crafted and generously given to support Family Promises' transformational ministry to those experiencing homelessness.

And then, of course, there were Patti Clark and Kelly Hansford. In addition to their regular services coordinating our ministries with Family Promise, they have quietly and faithfully organized the silent auction bake sale for La Tablé for several years. Their attention to detail, creativity, and passion for helping families experiencing homelessness have made this event a highlight of La Tablé. This year, in recognition of their dedication and hard work, Patti and Kelly were named Family Promise Volunteers of the Year. What a well-deserved honor! We at Union are thankful and proud of their sacrificial and dedicated service.

This Silent Auction Bake Sale reminds us that serving God doesn’t always mean standing in the spotlight. Sometimes, it’s found in the careful mixing of ingredients, the wrapping of baked goods, or the organizing of auction tables. It’s in the meaningful acts of service that bring joy to others and help change lives.

Each of us has been given unique gifts—some bake, some organize, some encourage, and some lead. No matter what your gifts are, when you use them to serve others, you become a faithful steward of God’s love and grace.

This week, may we each look for opportunities to serve according to our giftedness, trusting that God uses every offering, big or small, for his glory.

Jesus loves you, Union Family, and I do too!