
As I conclude my pastoral ministry at Union, I would like to share sermons with you during June and July on the elements of faith which I feel are most important – they are the “First Things.” Before leaving, I would like to share with you what I think matters most in our lives of faith. Moving through the scriptures, I invite you to take a journey of faith with me from the beginning to the end. —Pastor Jane

Sunday, June 7

It all starts with the call of Jesus upon our lives . . .

Follow Me
Mark 1:16-20

Sunday, June 14

We are all sinners in need of the amazing grace of God . . .

A Picture of Grace
Luke 15:11-32

Sunday, June 21

Once we have received this grace, God wants to change us into someone new . . .


Romans 12

Sunday, June 28

Our transformed lives are strengthened by the tension of a “both/and” kind of faith . . .

Ampersand Faith

John 1:14-18

Sunday, July 5

As transformed followers of Jesus, we are citizens of two different worlds…

God and Country

Matthew 22: 15-22

Sunday, July 12

We demonstrate our commitment to following Jesus through faith, hope, and love...

Faith, Hope, and Love

1 Corinthians 13:13

Sunday, July 19

As transformed followers of Jesus, we join God on mission in the world...

Joining God on Mission

Luke 4:16-30 and Matthew 28:16-20

Sunday, July 26

When our days on earth have ended, God has prepared a place for us...

The Holy City

Revelation 21:1-5 and Revelations 22:1-5