November 30

What does it mean to be mighty?  In our world today, it might mean the country with the largest arsenal of weapons.  It might mean that you are Brian Shaw, named the World’s Strongest Man in 2015, by dead-lifting 880 lbs.  It might mean that you are a cleaning product that can clean in ways other products can’t.  There are many ways we might define mighty.
In scripture, we find that the Messiah is called Mighty God.  The coming of Jesus did not bring about a large weapons stash, or weightlifting, or the ability to clean any mess.  Instead, Jesus lived into the title by fulfilling words found in Psalms.
       He judges people with
            righteousness and the poor
            with justice.
       He defends the cause of the poor,
            gives deliverance to the needy.
       He saves the lives of the needy
            from oppression and violence.
       He forgives all your iniquity and
            redeems your life.
       He crowns you with steadfast love
             and mercy.
       (adapted from Psalm 72, 103)
This Sunday we will explore the title of Mighty God as it is seen in the life of Jesus.  I look forward to seeing you!

 -Pastor Jane