January 11

As you come to worship this week, you will notice the words of meditation after communion come from Corrie ten Boom.  “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”  You may be asking yourself, “Who is Corrie ten Boom?”

Corrie ten Boom and her family were Christians, living in Haarlem, the Netherlands. During the Nazi occupation, they chose to live out their faith through peaceful resistance to the Nazis by active participation in the Dutch underground. They were hiding, feeding, and transporting Jews and underground members hunted by the Gestapo, out of the country. It is estimated they were able to save the lives of 800 Jews, in addition to protecting underground workers.

In 1944 they were betrayed and she and her family members were sent to concentration camps.  Three members of her family died in these camps, but Corrie survived and was released in December of that year.  These acts of heroism and sacrifice became the foundation for Corrie ten Boom's global writing and speaking career which began after she was released.

Throughout all she experienced, Corrie’s constant life theme spoke of the faithfulness of God – in every circumstance.  God’s Promise of Faithfulness will be our focus this Sunday as we continue in the series New Year, Same Promises.  I hope you will take time this week to read Psalm 40:1-11 - words from the Psalmist about God’s great faithfulness for us all.