May 17

Three years ago as I first began talking with the Union Pastor Search Committee, the question arose, “What will David do?”  For, with my calling as your pastor, he was not only leaving the church that he had pastored for 12 years, but was also retiring from full-time pastoral ministry.  Most of you know that in “retirement” he has continued to be very busy. Over the past three years, he has taught Leadership at McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta, and he continues with his consulting work with The Center for Congregation Health.  Many of you also know that he has served year-long stints as the Interim Pastor for two different churches – one in Florida and one in Augusta, GA.  Now he is on to a new endeavor, and I’ve asked him to share about it with you.


Many of you are aware of my previous places of ministry over the past two years, serving as Interim Pastor to churches in St. Petersburg, FL and Augusta, GA. These have been very rewarding experiences, but the negative for me has been that I have not been able to be with the Union Christian Church family very much on Sunday. I have now accepted a new ministry position which will allow me to live out my calling and give me more time to be in Union on some Sundays.

Beginning June 1, I will become the Associate Pastor of the Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta. This will be a permanent position, rather than an interim one. It will also be a part-time position of about 2/3 time. I will work in Atlanta fourteen days each month, with at least two of those being Sundays. That means I will still have Sundays free to preach, do my church consulting work, and to worship at Union. My responsibilities at this church will be to supervise the ministerial staff and to lead in the implementation of mission and ministry for the church. I will also give leadership to the pastoral care ministry of the church.

I am excited about this new ministry opportunity which allows me to use my gifts and experiences to serve a local congregation. I am also grateful that I will be able to participate more fully in the wonderful life of Union Christian Church.