June 7

As you read this, we are in the middle of Vacation Bible School.  Each evening the building echoes with sounds of children laughing and learning, singing and worshipping, making “hero” crafts and learning new Bible stories.  I am so thankful for all the teachers who have put hours into preparation.  Each night they are bringing the love of God to the children who are here.  Please continue praying for them as we finish out this week!

The hymn Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee will be our focus this Sunday.  What does it mean to be joyful?  Joy arises from our heart and soul as we give thanks for the many things God has given us – things that surround us every day.  As you anticipate worship on Sunday, be thinking about the things that bring you joy. Just open your eyes!  They are right in front of you.  Gifts from God.  I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

~Pastor Jane