June 21

This Sunday will be a full day at Union.  Since the church year at Union runs from July-June, we find ourselves ending one year and embarking on a new one.  During worship on Sunday morning we will give thanks for those who have served in leadership roles – teachers, deacons, elders, and Church Council members and offer prayers for those who will begin a new year of service.  The worship service will include the installation of Church Council officers, deacons, and elders.  We will also have the privilege of ordaining two new elders – Patti Clark and Donald Hansford.  What a special morning.  I hope you can be with us.

Then, we will move into the Fellowship Hall for a covered dish meal, followed by our annual Church Family Meeting.  We will have the opportunity to approve the church budget for the new year, hear reports about continuing and new mission/ministry experiences, and hear updates regarding building and grounds.  Two new ministry possibilities will be presented.  One involves volunteering with Sparrows Nest – providing breakfast to those at that ministry once a quarter.  You can read about them at:  http://sparrowsnestmission.org/.

Another new ministry experience that will be presented is Union’s possible affiliation with Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens. At our Church Family Meeting, you will hear all about it and have the opportunity to approve the Church Council’s recommendation that we participate as a Host Church.  If you would like to read about it the web site is www.inhathens.org.  What an exciting ministry possibility for our church.

We share the Good News in so many different ways at Union – from Sunday morning Bible study and Worship, to ACTS, to weekday Bible studies, to VBS and other children and youth ministries, and through music.  This Sunday we will be talking about taking the Good News even further outside our walls and into our community.  I hope you can join us for these conversations.

And – one more thing – on Sunday, you’ll hear some GREAT, EXCITING NEWS!! 

-Pastor Jane