Next week the Union family will begin serving in a new ministry, reaching out to those who are homeless in Athens through a partnership with an organization called Sparrows Nest. Sparrows Nest is a Christian ministry that serves those in need - providing caring support such as clothing, food, laundry and shower facilities, and programs for at-risk youth. On Saturday, July 29, our church will provide breakfast, conversation, and support to those who gather. You can read more about their ministry at We will step in by offering breakfast for the almost 70 people who gather each Saturday morning. Union has agreed to do this every month that contains a 5th Saturday.
I am so thankful for a church that looks beyond her walls to those who need to know the love of Jesus. Serving at Sparrow’s Nest is a practical way we can embody Jesus’ teachings. Cami Allen is spearheading this ministry, and I urge you to talk with her about ways you can help. We will serve again on September 30, so if you can’t help this month, plan on joining with us then.
Over and over again in scripture, we are instructed to care for those in need. The words of Jesus echo among us - For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:35
As we go to Sparrows Nest, we will go with food and drink. My prayer is that we will also go with a welcoming heart and spirit.
~Pastor Jane