August 2

It is Homecoming Week.  On Sunday we will celebrate 165 years of faithful ministry on the corner of Whippoorwill and Union Church Road.  Have you ever wondered what the first saints of our church were thinking as they launched this fledgling congregation?  Were they just looking for a “meeting house” or were they committed to being a voice for Jesus in this part of the county?  Think about what that must have meant 165 years ago.  The community was scattered, the farms were large, travel to church was probably difficult, yet they had a vision about what God was calling them to do. 

We, who are here today, are the recipients of this vision and so, in their honor, and because we are compelled by God, we continue to be God’s representatives, both in our part of Oconee County and in our larger world.  That is why we have recently launched two new ministries – with Sparrow’s Nest and Interfaith Hospitality Network – ministries that call us to open our doors and our hearts to those in need.

On Sunday, besides welcoming old friends, we will also burn the mortgage for the new building, rejoicing and celebrating that through your faithful giving, it is now paid in full.  This new building gives us more and more opportunities for new ministries. 

God continues to bless Union Christian Church.  Thanks be to God!

~Pastor Jane