As I’ve mentioned in the Pastoral Prayer time each of the past few weeks, it seems we are surrounded by needs and natural disasters. From the floods of Hurricane Harvey, to the extreme damage of Hurricane Irma – both in the US and in the small islands of the Caribbean, to the huge earthquake in Mexico, to the flooding and death of over 1300 people in Bangladesh, Indian, Nepal and Pakistan, there is so much heartache and devastation in our world. We are only a small group of believers. What can we do? It seems to be too much!
We can do - what we can do.
- Begin by praying, each and every day, for those who have been impacted by these disasters. When the national news cycle moves on to the next big thing, continue praying.
- When you have the opportunity, give what you can to help. Over the past two weeks, Union members and friends have donated almost $3000 to Hurricane Harvey relief through Week of Compassion. Every cent of this money will be “on the ground” through Disciples ministries in that area.
- Continue serving locally – through ACTS, Sparrows Nest, and Interfaith Hospitality Network and other mission opportunities. Continue giving each month to the Christian Women’s Fellowship projects. We can do what we can do – and it starts locally.
Hear these few words from the beginning and end of a prayer by Ted Loder called Sometimes It Just Seems To Be Too Much.
Sometimes, Lord,
it just seems to be too much:
too much violence, too much fear;
too much of demands and problems;
too much of broken dreams and broken lives…
...O God, make of me some nourishment
for these starved times,
some food for my brothers and sisters
who are hungry for gladness and hope,
that, being bread for them,
I may also be fed and be full.
~Pastor Jane