January 3

A new year has begun. How are you doing on your resolutions? In the midst of the expected diet and exercise commitments, I want to suggest a resolution that you may not have thought about. This year, would you consider resolving to be involved in ongoing Bible study at church? Each Sunday at 10:00, we gather together, all ages, and delve deeply into scripture. Is this something you want to do this year – to learn more about the Bible? Let me share some options with you.

Our preschoolers are using a new tool that began this fall – a flannelgraph board. Many of us remember these from our childhoods. But now, a new generation is using this method to learn Bible stories. Each week, led by Emily Maxey, they actively place the characters on the board as they learn the story and then retell it. They are learning how God speaks through many different people.

Our children and youth will continue with the curriculum from Illustrated Children’s Ministry – the coloring sheets. This spring they will be looking at creation and how each of us can care for God’s great gift.  This group meets in the basement each Sunday morning.

Adults will have the option of several different Bible studies. There are two different adult classes, led by Julian Beckwith and Jonathan Byrd, that will be studying the book of Daniel during the Sunday School hour. In addition, I will be teaching a class that will study the book of Revelation.

What is your New Year’s Resolution? Come and study the Bible with us. It’s a good resolution for a New Year

~Pastor Jane