We are entering into a very special season at Union – filled with opportunities for worship, learning, celebration, service, and community. I encourage you to look carefully at all of the offerings and participate in the ones that will guide you toward the coming of the Christ child.
This Sunday we will continue in our 30 Days Of Thanks emphasis as we explore the background behind the hymn For the Beauty of the Earth. I hope that you will continue to take the time each day to name one thing you are thankful for. Many of you are participating in this by posting on social media. Because these posts are on a public forum, they are a witness to many people. This Sunday we will also honor our veterans and dedicate Operation Christmas Child and Thanksgiving food boxes during worship.
My prayer is that during this season of giving thanks, everything we do will be pointed toward the Christ child. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we give thanks for the blessings that surround us.
-Pastor Jane