In August of this year a new children’s book hit the market by beloved author and pastor Barbara Brown Taylor entitled Home By Another Way. The book is an interesting retelling of the story of the Wise Men found in Matthew 2. In her story, the focus shifts from the Wise Men themselves and from the specific gifts they bring, to something totally different. She imagines them coming from different places, unknown to each other - all led by a special star. As she describes that star, she says, “A bright star lodged in the right eye of each one of them. The star was so bright that none of them could tell whether it was burning in the sky or in their own imaginations. Something beyond them was calling them, and it was a tug they had been waiting for all their lives.”
Is there a calling, a word from God, that you have been waiting for all your life? I hope you will join us this Sunday as we explore the calling of the Light, the calling of that special star. May it get lodged in your right eye during this Advent season.
The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5
-Pastor Jane