June 20

This week’s Midweek offers me a chance to comment on several things.

I am grateful to all of you and your comments about last Sunday’s sermon. If you missed it, you can access it at www.unionchristianchurch.net/sermons. Look for the title: Reading ALL of God’s Word, Romans 13. As I have heard from several of you this week, you have expressed a desire to learn more about how to read the Bible and what supplementary materials might be helpful as you learn from God’s word. Over the next few weeks and months we will be talking further about this.

Have you noticed the new quilt on the sofa in the Gathering Space? This is a gift from the Big Springs Quilt Guild – a local group who has begun meeting in our Fellowship Hall once a month. The quilt was constructed by them and is a beautiful addition to our space. Did you know that we host other community groups in our building – Woodmen of the World, Girl Scout Day Camp, Interfaith Hospitality Network families, and various birthday parties and showers. I am thankful for your investment in our community through our building.

This Sunday will be a very special day at Union. It is the last Sunday of the 2017-2018 church year. During worship we will recognize and give thanks for those who have been church leaders this past year and will install new Elders, Deacons, and Church Council leadership for 2018-2019. Following worship, we will move into the Fellowship Hall for our Annual Church Family Meeting. We will begin by sharing a covered dish meal together, followed by a time where different leadership groups will report on their work this year. We will also share the good news of our various ministries and ministry partners. God has truly been working through the people of Union and we will celebrate all of God’s goodness together. I hope you will join us.
-Pastor Jane