Although I was not here at the time, one of the more beautiful stories I have heard about those days leading up to groundbreaking on the new building, has to do with discussions on the purpose of what was to be built. Why are we doing this? Clearly, there was a need for a better and more accessible Fellowship Hall and Gathering/Meeting Space. But over and over, I heard the refrain, “We want to be a church that offers our building to community groups.”
What a beautiful vision that was and continues to be. Did you know that every month our building is being used by more and more community groups? I would like to share some of them with you. The month of June is a wonderful example. The first week, we hosted Union’s Vacation Bible School. The second week, we hosted an annual Girl Scout Day Camp, with around 40 girls, complete with an overnight in our building by a smaller group. The third week, it was our time to again be the Host Congregation for Interfaith Hospitality Network, as we welcomed three families to our facility, providing them a safe and loving place to live.
Interspersed among these larger events, we are hosting a new group, a local Quilters Guild that will be meeting every first Saturday morning of each month. We also welcome the monthly meeting of Woodmen of the World, as well as periodic Lion’s Club events, and community luncheons. All of this is in addition to the many ministry events that are a part of our own church life. Our building is a busy place, and this is how it should be.
It is such a joy to share ministry with you as we continue to support the greater community. Union is truly living out Jesus’ commandment from John 13:34: I’m giving you a new commandment…to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.