Over the past few days you may have noticed an interesting phenomenon. The Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday following Thanksgiving had “nicknames.” Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday were so named to provide an extra emphasis on spending money, with amazing deals on consumer goods – in most cases an economic way to purchase items for Christmas presents.
But, Giving Tuesday, has an entirely different emphasis. Since 2012, Giving Tuesday has been a way for non-profits to raise additional funds, over and above, for the betterment of the people they serve. Called a Global Generosity Movement, you may have noticed hundreds of “helping” agencies asking for money on the one day. Personally, I saw requests from over 50 different organizations on Tuesday.
I would like to offer an opportunity for Union to have it’s own Giving Day – not a specific day, but a way to give “over and above” your regular giving. Because of the consistent generosity of our congregation, we have been able to step out in faith and take on new ministries. Anytime there is a need, Union gives. Most of you know that we are in the midst of the final renovation project to make our church complete. We are renovating the back hallway – where our offices, library, and children’s rooms are located. This renovation will make it a more welcoming place for all of us.
So, on our unofficial Giving Day – would you consider giving either a one time, extra gift for the building fund, or if you are unable to make a one time, larger gift, would you make a pledge for extra monthly giving this next year? It is the hope of our leadership that we will come out of this project with very little debt. Our extra giving can make this a possibility.
Please pray about your part in this endeavor and we will keep you posted as we move forward. Thank you, Union Family.
Pastor Jane