This Sunday will be a full and exciting day at Union. We begin the day with Bible study and worship, where our focus will be on an unusual passage of scripture. In Luke 13:31-35, Jesus speaks using images that are confusing at best, addressing obstacles that have made their way into his life and ministry. His thoughts can speak to us when we find ourselves blocked by our own obstacles. I hope to see you as we explore this passage together.
On Sunday night, the Puerto Rico Mission Team will host a Spaghetti Supper and Live Auction to help raise money for their upcoming mission trip in June. Look carefully at your March newsletter to see some of the items that will be offered. This auction is only as good as those who are in attendance, so please invite your friends and neighbors to join us.
It is going to be a good day – filled with Bible study, worship, and fellowship. I hope to share it with you.
- Pastor Jane