Midweek Update
March 27, 2019
Called by God and led by the Holy Spirit, Union Christian Church is a caring community that learns and shares the stories of faith, serves within and beyond our walls, and welcomes all to gather at Christ’s Table.
Join Union for our Lenten Sermon Series
March 31
God Moves…
Down the Road
Luke 15:11-32
April 7
God Moves Us…
To Empty Ourselves
John 12:1-6
April 14—Palm Sunday
God Moves…
To the Cross
Luke 23:1-49
April 21 - Easter Sunday
God Moves...
Out of the Tomb
Luke 24:1-12
This Sunday – the fourth Sunday of Lent – we will continue walking with Jesus as he moves closer and closer to Jerusalem. As I’ve mentioned each week, as Jesus walks, he talks and teaches, and this week is no different. We will find ourselves in Luke 15. This chapter contains three different parables about being lost. With an introduction in verses 1-3, Jesus quickly moves to share the story of the lost sheep in verses 4-7, the story of the lost coin in verses 8-10, and finally, the story of the lost son in verses 11-32. We will focus on the last parable, the one most known as the story of the Prodigal Son. But what if our focus has been wrong all these years? What if this parable is not about the lost younger son, or the lost older son, but instead, about the gracious father?
I hope to see you in worship on Sunday, and….a little homework. Read all of Luke 15 this week and we will talk about it.
- Pastor Jane