As we continue in our Unraveled series this Sunday, we will be learning from the story of the Samaritan woman at the well and her encounter with Jesus found in John 4:1-29. Using this story as a background, we will explore the topic of shame. Have you ever considered that some of your life choices, or even the understanding of your own worth come out of an underlying of hidden sense of shame? Often we are not even aware of this, but it can pervade every part of our lives.
In 2012, author Brené Brown released one of her many best-selling books entitled Daring Greatly, which explores the topics of vulnerability and shame. She describes shame as “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.” We all live with shame, some of it seen, but much of it hidden. We are a lot like the Samaritan woman. I hope you can join us Sunday as we explore this topic through her eyes and through the eyes of Jesus.
-Pastor Jane