February 19

We are fast approaching the season of Lent. Each year, on the Wednesday nights of Lent, we have had the practice of meeting together for a time of soup fellowship and Bible study. Even though we are still two weeks out, I would like to give you a “heads up” on our Lenten Bible Study this year. We will be studying a new book called The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life, written by Adam Hamilton. This book explores five essential Christian practices we can engage in to help us as we walk through our daily lives. Each of these practices find their foundation in Jesus’ own walk and will help us grow together as a people of God.
Hear some words from the introduction:
“In Matthew 4, Jesus walked along the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee. He came to Simon Peter and Andrew and gave them this simple invitation, “Come, follow me.” A few steps later he called James and John to do the same. Sometime later he saw a tax collector named Matthew and said to him, “Follow me.” These followers became known as disciples – ones who follow, learn from, and emulate their master. And the word “to follow” in Greek is akoloutheo, which means to accompany on a journey or to walk with someone down a road.”
Elsewhere in the Midweek you can find links to order your study book. I encourage you to do so and begin reading. I look forward to walking with you and Jesus during Lent.

Soup and Bible Study
The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life by Adam Hamilton

March 4 - Worship and Prayer 
p. 17-40

March 11 - Study   
p. 41-64

March 18 - Serve
p. 65-86
March 25 - Give
p. 87-112
April 1 - Share
p. 113-138