April 22

As we find ourselves in the seventh week of quarantine, it has become obvious that ministry and church as we have known it, has changed. While I find myself grieving over this fact, at the same time I am encouraged at the new ways we are finding to continue our worship, learning, and community. Just this week, six different small groups - two women's Bible studies, youth group, children, college students, and an all church meet and greet have met online. In addition, we have had the opportunity to worship together, share in our weekly scripture passage, and have a time of prayer together - all of these things done virtually. While we often bemoan technology, I am grateful for the many ways it is keeping us connected during this season. I encourage you to join in whenever you can.
We have all heard about the recent order from the governor, allowing partial re-opening of certain businesses in our state. In that executive order, churches were named as one place that could reopen with certain restrictions. Church Council has been proactive in discussing what that might mean for Union and want you to know that for the foreseeable future, we will continue our practice of online worship. We feel a strong calling to be intentional and thoughtful as to when we might reopen and to base a decsion on what is best for the health and well-being of all of our members. Until we can meet again in person, I am grateful to everyone who has been joining us in worship each week.  
I look forward to "seeing" you online later today as we begin hearing our scripture for the week, and again on Sunday as we worship God together. Don't forget to gather your communion elements as we will focus on a post-resurrection encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. The story can be found in Luke 24:13-35. In verses 31-32, we read that they recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread. May we also recognize him as we gather for worship and the breaking of the bread this Sunday.

-Pastor Jane