June 10

Grace. What does that word mean to you? Some of our most beloved hymns speak of grace – Amazing Grace, Grace Greater Than Our Sins, Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing, God of Grace and God of Glory, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, Rock of Ages, To God Be The Glory, There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy - are just a few found in our Chalice Hymnal. The number of Praise and Worship songs about grace are just as plentiful. Why do we need to hear about and sing about grace so frequently?
Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God. In other words, grace is a gift from God that we neither pay for or deserve. Grace is blessing.
During our time of worship this Sunday, we will continue in the sermon series called “The First Things” – matters of faith which I feel are most important for us as Christ followers. Last week began with the call of Jesus upon our lives, with the words “Follow Me.” This Sunday we will dig into a very family story from Luke 15, the story of the Prodigal Son. This story will remind us all that we are sinners in need of the amazing grace of God. I invite you to join us online as we move from the initial call of Jesus on our lives to the opportunity to be recipients of God’s grace.

 -Pastor Jane