June 22

This Sunday, we come to the end of our sermon series on The First Things. We have walked through two months of teachings from scripture that contain what I understand as the first things of faith. This week we conclude with a beautiful look at heaven, attempting to answer two of the most asked questions - what is heaven, and where is heaven. We will focus our thoughts on the familiar verses found at the beginning of Revelation 21.
As we begin to think about heaven, let me share with you a beautiful quote from New Testament scholar, William Barclay.
"For the Christian, heaven is where Jesus is. We do not need to speculate on what heaven will be like. It is enough to know that we will be forever with Him."
This Sunday I will be filming from a new location. We are moving this week, so I will great you from our back porch, overlooking the trees. I look forward to seeing you then. 
 - Pastor Jane