August 2

This is the last blog post of my ministry with you over these past six-plus years, I’ve known this time was coming, but now that it is here, it is difficult to write. Serving God alongside you has been the greatest joy of my life. As I look back over our time together, I’m reminded of many new ministries, mission opportunities, and facility improvements. I know I will miss some, but let’s take a walk down memory lane.

New ministries – Women’s Bible studies, Lenten Bible studies, Fall Family Fun Night, Living Last Supper, Holy Week Labyrinth, Advent piano concert

Mission opportunities – Sparrows Nest, ACTS, Family Promise, Puerto Rico mission trip

Facility Improvements – Playground, new directional signs, renovated youth space, renovated back hallway, classrooms, and offices, upgraded computer systems

In closing, I would like to re-share some words that I wrote for our yearly booklet….

Soon after the new year began, several things occurred that changed our church family. On March 6, I shared the news with you that I would be retiring on August 2. Less than a week later, we entered into months of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as of the writing of this pastoral letter we are still not meeting in our building. Like churches all over the world, we had to “stop on a dime” and re-create worship, Bible studies, fellowship, and community ministry. The first few weeks felt like we were drowning as we learned new ways to connect with each other without a building. But over time, we have moved into a new rhythm that includes Zoom committee meetings, friends checking on friends, driveway visits, and online worship Each one of you has ministered to each other in new ways, and I am so grateful to be walking this journey with you.

As I prepare to leave, I want you all to know what a joy and privilege it has been to serve as your pastor. I have been blessed to be just a small part of the history of Union Christian Church and look forward with anticipation for what the future holds for you all.

As I close this time together, let me offer the benediction that I speak each Sunday. It is my prayer for you.

Christ go before you to prepare a way of service.
Christ go behind you to gather up your efforts for his glory.
Christ go beside you as leader and guide.
Christ go within you as comfort and stay.
Christ go beneath you to uphold with everlasting arms.
Christ go above you to reign as Lord supreme.

With all my love and prayers for the future,

Pastor Jane