Dear Friends,
Over the next few weeks, our scripture readings will come from the Gospel of John, chapter 6. This chapter begins with The Feeding of the 5,000, followed by Jesus Walking on the Sea. The rest of the chapter is a discourse; a conversation, sometimes heated, about Jesus as The Bread of Life.
The author of John draws on Moses and the Exodus to help those gathered understand who Jesus is, whether they be the crowds, the religious leaders, or the disciples. Written generations after the resurrection, the author also weaves in ancient Passover themes, as well as an understanding of the Lord’s Supper, regularly practiced in even the earliest church gatherings, into the conversation about who Jesus is.
The Gospel of John’s “Bread of Life” discourse gets really dense at points. It is a challenge to follow and try to pull out the vital points he is trying to make in this particular episode. I look forward to exploring this story with you in worship. As we do so, let us continue to pray: Holy God, open our ears to hear your Word. Open our eyes to see your truth. Open our hearts to share your love, in all that we do. Amen
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alan