What a Week!
Like so many in our community, locally and more broadly, our household has been recently impacted by the latest variant of COIVD-19. A student living with us tested positive for COVID in the middle of last week, just before the New Year. She was vaccinated, has recovered from her mild flu symptoms, and is doing fine. I haven’t had any symptoms at all and am now in the “mask-wearing” part of the CDC’s COVID exposure protocol. Cheryl is feeling a bit puny, but thankfully she has tested negative for COVID. It is not uncommon for ministers to spend a couple of days in bed this time of year, like so many who face a year end rush of one kind or another.
The timing of this COVID spike is very inconvenient for Union Christian Church (DOC). With Call Weekend approaching, it is important that we are able to meet in person these next two weeks. Fortunately, Union knows how to do so safely and with grace. The Regathering Committee, the Church Council, and the Search Committee are working together to make sure we are able to safely prepare for and gather together both this Sunday and on Call Weekend. Please keep an ear to the ground over the next few days to hear exactly what our worship plans will be for this Sunday, January 9. Thank you, as always, church, for your love, support and hospitality.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alan