The Prayerful Pause - November 2

This coming Sunday, November 6, is All Saints Sunday. During worship, we will pause to remember both church members and our own family members who have died during the last year. All Saints Sunday is an important time to remember those who have gone on before us and impacted our life and our faith journey profoundly.

All Saints Sunday is also a time to remember that we have a great cloud of witnesses looking on and encouraging us in faith. We read about the great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 11, as the author highlights the example of men and women from the Old Testaments Scriptures who had a tremendous impact for God. Over the years, more brothers and sisters in the faith have gone on to join the great cloud of witnesses that still looks on and encourages us from heaven today.

Who are the people that you cherish in the great cloud of witnesses? Maybe it's grandparents, parents, friends, teachers, church family members, or mentors? You remember the impact these important people had on your life, and you know their stories just as well as the author of Hebrews knew the stories of the heroes and heroines from the Old Testament Scriptures. And right now, even at this very minute, those people who encouraged you in the faith while here on earth still cheer you on from heaven! That's a tremendous encouragement to me, and I hope it is to you, too.

So, no matter how much you may be struggling to finish the race, remember that the great cloud of witnesses is looking on and encouraging you to keep walking by faith and to keep trusting Jesus as you run the race marked out ahead. This week, I encourage you to press pause and thank God for all who have gone before us and for the impact they still have on our lives today.