It's almost December, and the days are getting shorter and shorter, with darkness coming most nights before we’ve eaten dinner now. It's also the season of Advent, and we are watching and waiting expectantly for the coming of Christ. The Season of Advent reminds us to keep looking for Christ and the light that he brings even while we wait in darkness.
Christian author Ann Voskamp reminds us:
Advent is the last, darkest hour of the year, and this is the season not to merely get ready for Christmas, but to get ready for the coming of Christ.
Advent doesn’t deny the dark within us,
Advent isn’t afraid of the dark around us,
Advent doesn’t rush through the dark ahead of us,
Advent sits in the dark and yearns for the Light of the only One
who went to the Tree of Calvary, to shatter the dark for all of us.
Yes, even as we watch and wait for Christ at Advent, we can remember that Jesus has shattered the darkness for us! We no longer wait or walk in darkness without the comfort of a Savior. Even when you are walking through dark and difficult days, keep looking for Jesus, the Light of the World who always shines.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5