Dear Church,
What a joy it has been to share a bit of our journey together! Our journey together is drawing to a close, and your journey with Reverend Heather Webb will soon begin. I cannot wait to see the fruits of your journey together. I preached my last sermon for you last Sunday, on February 6. I will be with you this Sunday as a we welcome Reverend Denise Bell, our Regional Minister in worship.
This Sunday will be my last worship service with you. I will no longer be preaching, writing, or actively present at the church as Union prepares to welcome your soon arriving minister, Reverend Heather Webb.
I know there is a bit of time, yet before Pastor Heather arrives. I will continue to be here to offer continuing pastoral care through the rest of February. During that time, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything. I will, of course, offer my prayers to you and for you always.
As this part of our journey together draws to a close, please know how much I value you as a healthy, vital congregation. Please know I love you, brothers and sisters. Please know I will miss you.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alan