The Prayerful Pause - March 16

The Prayerful Pause
by Pastor Heather

In this busy and noisy world, it’s sometimes difficult to press pause and truly connect with God and with each other. In The Prayerful Pause, I will seek to regularly share some thoughts from my heart to help us connect with God and one another more fully.

I love a good story! Stories can make us laugh and can bring quick smiles to our faces. Stories can make us cry both happy and sad tears. Stories help us remember how God has been present with us and provided for us day after day. Stories remind us of God’s goodness and faithfulness along the journey. Over the last few weeks, I have really enjoyed hearing some of your stories. It’s been a gift to sit down and laugh with you, to cry with you, and to remember God’s faithfulness with you. Keep telling me your stories. They are good and so important.

Jesus, the Master Teacher, understood the importance of a good story. He told them regularly and specialized in using parables to help people understand what the Kingdom of God is like. The best definition of a parable that I have ever heard is that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus knew well that stories could teach us so much about God’s heart.

This week, I want to encourage you to follow Jesus’ example and be a storyteller. Press pause each day for a little while and share a good story that points to God’s faithfulness with someone. Share a story with a family member over a meal. Call a friend and share a good story over the phone. Share a story with a child or young person that you love. Email or text someone a good story. Post an encouraging story on Social Media. Sit down with someone for a chat and share your stories together. Please don’t forget to share your stories with me as your new pastor! I love hearing your stories, and I love you, too. 💜

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. Psalm 107:2-3