It’s Holy Week and we are remembering Jesus’ journey from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. This week, we journey with Jesus from the shouts of “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday, to the Upper Room and the Garden on Thursday, to the horrific events of Good Friday, and to the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Thankfully, even with the darkness of the terrible events of Good Friday, we know that Sunday is coming! We are Easter people, and even in the grief that we feel during Holy Week, we can hold fast to the promise that Easter will come once again.
Holy Week is rich and full at Union this year. I want to encourage you to participate as your schedule allows. We have our final soup and study on Wednesday evening at 5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We have the hands-on Holy Week Prayer Experience that you can drop-in anytime on Thursday from 1-6 p.m. We have the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. On Easter Sunday, we will enjoy two worships services! The Sunrise Service will be at 6:45 a.m. in the cemetery with breakfast to follow. Later that morning, we will worship joyfully together at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. There are many opportunities to draw closer to Christ and to each other during Holy Week at Union. I hope you will find a way to plug in and invite others to participate too.
Yet, most of all during Holy Week this year, I want to encourage you to prayerfully pause each day and simply spend time with Jesus. Pause and talk with Jesus about all that He experienced from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday. Pause and dialogue with Jesus just as you would with a trusted friend. Pause and remember that Jesus loves us much more than we can ever begin to fully understand.
Finally, I am praying that as you walk through Holy Week, you will sense that Jesus is with you on the journey each day! May God grow you and guide you this week as you Journey with Jesus! Amen.