We have something exciting happening for our young adults at Union on Sunday July 31, at 5:00 PM! All of our young adults are invited to hang out at Pastor Heather’s house for the evening. We will share a meal and just enjoy each other’s company that night.
Who are these “young adults” that I am talking about? Young adults are past their High School years and are generally anywhere from 18-40-ish. If you are a young adult, I hope that you will make plans to attend our first “Young Adult Hangout” on July 31. All of our young adults are welcome and encouraged to invite friends to join us for this special evening of fun and fellowship together.
If you are no longer a young adult, don’t worry. I have some important jobs for you, too!
Please join me in praying specifically for our young adults at Union and for the young adults in the wider community.
Pray that God will guide and grow our ministry and outreach to young adults as a church family.
Send an encouraging note, card, or message to one of our young adults at Union.
Invite a young adult for a meal with you and your family.
Thank you, Union Family, for being a church that welcomes and loves people at every age and stage of life!