The Prayerful Pause - September 21

For the next several weeks, we are prayerfully exploring Union's mission statement in the Midweek Update. We will be focusing on a keyword from our mission statement each week. This week, let’s think about the word "learns" and seek to understand how we, as followers of Christ, learn the stories of faith.

Called by God and led by the Holy Spirit, Union Christian Church is a caring community that learns and shares the stories of faith, serves within and beyond our walls, and welcomes all to gather at Christ’s Table.

The Bible is God's ancient word with a living story. It's God's grand love story, given to us for our benefit and for our transformation. Learning the stories of faith in the Bible is a vital aspect of our walk with the Lord. We can learn more about these stories as we read and study God's word in Sunday School, small groups, and in our own personal devotional time.

We learn the stories of faith as we discuss them and wrestle with them in community with each other. Yet, it's also essential to remember that all deep and meaningful learning involves listening. We learn the stories of faith in the Bible even more profoundly when we read them prayerfully. Prayerfully reading the Scriptures involves open ears and listening for God's voice to teach us as we read. Here are several questions that help me listen when I seek to prayerfully read the Bible.  

  • Lord, what do you want to teach me through this passage of Scripture?

  • God, what do you want me to understand about you from this passage?

  • How do you want me to grow by reading this passage, God?

  • Lord, how do you want me to respond to this passage of Scripture today?

  • Is there a current situation in my life that this passage speaks to, God?

God has given us a treasure trove of stories in the Bible with so many wonderful things to learn. Yet, God also gives people today countless stories of faith to learn and share in conversation with each other as a family of faith. We'll talk about the importance of sharing our own stories of faith with each other in next week's Midweek Update.

Until then, I hope you will spend some time each day prayerfully learning and listening for God's voice in the stories of faith you read in God’s ancient word with a living story.