Sharing our unique viewpoints to inform the work of our church committees is a marker of a healthy and active church. Seeking input from the congregation is also a hallmark of our congregational polity in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
This week, I want to encourage everyone to prayerfully consider the information packet and survey that the Columbarium Committee has recently shared with the church if you have not already done so. The committee wants to hear as many opinions as possible since the survey data will be used to determine if our congregation has enough interest to plan and construct a columbarium for Union Christian Church. The final day of the survey window is Sunday, October 22, so the time to make your voice heard is running short.
Some of you have asked if both spouses in a family are welcome to submit responses to the survey. Indeed, both spouses in a family are welcome and encouraged to submit their own survey responses.
You can find links to the informational packet and online survey by scrolling down in our midweek update. Paper copies of the packet and survey are also available in the church office and in the Gathering Space with envelopes in both locations to return your completed survey this Sunday.
Please take the time to share your thoughts and opinions with the Columbarium Committee before Sunday, October 22. I am thankful to be your pastor! You are a healthy church, and I appreciate the way we can ponder big questions together.