October is my favorite month of the year! I love watching the leaves each October as they turn rich hews of red, yellow, and orange. During October, the sunsets also seem a little more spectacular when you watch them while also enjoying the crisp, cooler air. This October, I am looking forward to the exciting things God has on the horizon for us as a church family as well.
Our October theme in worship is Mountainside Messages. In this Sermon Series, we will explore the challenging teachings that Jesus offers in the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew 5-7. The Sermon on the Mount provides guidance on how followers of Christ can seek to live with ethics that reflect the Kingdom of God. I look forward to all that we will learn together as we explore Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount this month in worship.
Our Bible Book of the Month for October is Mark, and we will continue with our questions of the week both on Social Media and in person, too. It’s wonderful to see conversations across various generations both about the Bible and the questions of the week.
Our Disciples Men will hold a special dinner on Friday, October 27, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall for the men of the church. Gathering for this special meal will be a great chance to build friendships and explore fellowship and service opportunities for our Disciples Men. Our speaker will be Randy Dawson, and he will share about the vital ministry of ACTS, Area Churches Together Serving. You can find more information by scrolling down. I hope you will join our Disciples Men for this special opportunity.
This month, we can also look forward to our Fall Family Fun Night outreach on Sunday, October 29, from 3–5 PM. Fall Family Fun Night is an excellent chance to invite our neighbors to experience the warmth and friendliness of the Union family. We will have invitation cards ready to pick up this Sunday, so you can invite your friends and neighbors to join in the fun. We need many volunteers and supply donations to make our Fall Family Fun Night outreach possible. Please look out for the sign-up clipboard on Sunday mornings or contact Holly Green for more information on how to help. Please also be in prayer for all who will come that day. Let's pray that God will help each person who comes to experience Jesus' love and welcome here at Union.