What do you want to praise God for today?
That’s our question of week this week, and my heart has been full this week hearing your answers. Indeed, we have so much in our lives to be grateful for, and God’s unconditional love and constant care are two amazing gifts that really are important to me.
Sometimes in life we may not feel like praising God: when we are discouraged, facing many personal challenges, or feeling weighed down by hard things in the world or in the lives of those we love. It can feel hard to praise God sometimes when our hearts, our lives, and the world are heavy. Yet, I’ve noticed over the years that offering our praise and thanks to God, even in the middle of struggles and storms, helps us find new hope and new strength to carry on.
In worship, we sing the doxology each week. It’s one of the ways that we seek to praise God during every service. May the words to the doxology be on your lips each day, trusting that no matter what struggle or storm we are facing, we can count on God to be with us in it. Indeed, God is with us as our creator, our redeemer, and our sustainer even in the struggles and the storms of life. That’s always a reason we can praise God! So sing it with me right where you are:
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.