The Season of Lent has arrived, full of opportunities for God to grow and guide us in grace as we seek to draw closer to Christ. Above all this Lent, I want to encourage you to pause and spend time with Christ daily. Try to carve out some intentional time each day to pray and spend time in conversation with Jesus. Spend time talking and listening to Christ, allowing his voice to whisper to you, peace be still, even when the wind and waves of life would like to crash in and interrupt your conversation.
This Lent, I also want to invite you to participate in one of the new opportunities that we have for God to grow our faith and impact at Union. One way for God to grow us is by participating in our Lenten Soup and Study each Wednesday in March at 5:45 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We will study a book called 24 Hours that Changed the World by Adam Hamilton. It’s an account of Jesus’ final 24 hours before the cross. This study will be an excellent way for God to grow us in grace during Lent. I hope you will participate and invite a friend to join you.
Another new opportunity that we have for growth this month is the launch of our new GriefShare Ministry, beginning March 2 from 5:30-7:30 PM. This new ministry needs considerable prayer support. I hope you will consider allowing God to grow you and this new ministry by praying intentionally for GriefShare during Lent this year.
No matter how we choose to engage with Christ this Lent, may God draw us all closer to Him and each other as he continues to grow us and guide us in grace!