Prayerful Pause - March 15

Signs of new life are beginning to blossom all around us. Spring comes with a colorful beauty that delights our eyes but also disturbs our sinuses. Spring comes with both warmer days and cooler days with rain. As we did last Sunday, Springing Forward is another part of spring with pros and cons. We don't relish the thought of losing an hour of sleep or the impact the time change has on our sleeping patterns, but we enjoy the extra daylight in the evenings. As the seasons change, we embrace both the wonderful and the challenging aspects because it's part of growth and new life.
At Union, we have signs of life and new growth all around us. New ministries are sprouting up and growing. Our GriefShare ministry is off to a great start, with 17 people present last week, including participants and leaders. Our new CommUnity Groups@Union are off to a great start with three groups enjoying fun and fellowship together. Our children's ministry, youth ministry, and young adult ministries are also growing!
Even around the church building, we can see signs of restoration and renewal. Our Building Committee has done some amazing work in selecting the materials for the Fellowship Hall refresh, and we are starting to see some of the results already. Over the next several weeks, this project should be wrapping up. Union's Maintenance Team is also working hard to care for our building and grounds. Have you noticed the new swings on the swing set recently? They are a big hit with our youth and children. We even have some wonderful new storage racks for our paraments and banners that JR Beckwith designed and made. 
Yes, new signs of life are all around us. But sometimes, when there is growth and change, we find ourselves needing flexibility, patience, and grace to meet the unexpected challenges that often accompany new life. This week, I want to encourage us all to build each other up and practice patience and peace with ourselves and others when new life and growth brings challenges.
Paul said it well in Romans 14:19, So let's strive together for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up. Union Family, indeed, let's celebrate and thank God for these new signs of life while also prayerfully seeking God's help to support and encourage each other when we face the challenges of new things too!
I love you, and I love being your Pastor!