My heart is still full after our wonderful experiences together during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter! The joy of Resurrection Sunday will continue to linger as we celebrate the next 6 Sundays of Eastertide.
This week, let’s take some time to pause and thank God for the many blessings we have seen and experienced during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Please join me in thanking God for the following:
The amazing Easter Boxes that were shared with our neighbors in need. These boxes were a beautiful outreach to families in our local area.
A meaningful Lenten Soup and Study that God used to draw us closer to Christ and one another.
We welcomed Noah Whitehurst as a new member by profession of faith in March. He will be baptized on April 16.
Our new GriefShare Ministry launched during Lent and is off to a great start. The participants feel cared for and supported.
A meaningful Maundy Thursday service that called us to consider how much Jesus loves us.
A joyous Easter Egg Hunt made possible by faithful volunteers and donations from the congregation.
A special Sunrise Service and a delicious breakfast prepared with love.
A glorious Easter Service at 11:00 AM filled our hearts with joy!
The fantastic way that the Union Family works together to accomplish ministry for the Glory of God!
Indeed, we have much to be thankful for as we look back and see how God has been working in us and through us each day!
Next week, our Spring Bible Study Sessions begin for both women and men! I hope you will participate as your schedule allows and invite a friend to join you. You can find more information about these Spring Bible Study Groups below. These small groups are a great opportunity to grow in our faith and in our relationships with each other.
I thank God for you, Union Family! May God continue to grow us and guide us as we seek to follow Jesus and love others in his name.