The Prayerful Pause - May 17

Union’s members have a long tradition of military service over the years. As a church, we seek to honor our service men and women in various ways throughout the year. We post flags on the graves of the 44 veterans buried in Union’s Cemetery for Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day. This past December, we placed wreaths on each veteran’s grave to honor their service and sacrifice. Each November, we seek to honor our living veterans on the Sunday closest to Veterans Day. We feel so inspired when we see the pictures of Union's veterans, both past and present, in our annual slideshow tribute each November.
This Saturday at 11:00 AM, we will be making preparations for Memorial Day in Union's Cemetery
. Larry Saul has already been working hard to prepare for this special workday, pre-marking our veterans' graves for this meaningful time of remembrance. Members of our Disciples Men’s Group and the Cemetery Committee will be helping in this effort, and we want to invite anyone else who can join us to participate in this special workday.
We will begin promptly at 11:00 AM in the cemetery, with a time of prayer and remembrance. During this prayer time, we will especially remember those who lost their lives in service to our country, asking God to comfort and sustain these families as they grieve. Then, we will respectfully post flags on the graves of each veteran buried in Union's cemetery.  
This Saturday’s Cemetery workday promises to be a deeply meaningful time together as we stop and give thanks for the service of so many dedicated service men and women.
I hope you will plan to join us on Saturday and also take a moment to thank God for all who have served.