Summer is finally here! It’s time to enjoy some warmer weather and fun with family and friends. The summer season is also an important time to take a breath and find some new rhythms and routines. As we ease into the summer months, our June sermon Series, “Making Room,” will help us focus on several ways of intentionally making room in our lives to rejoice, recharge, remember, and rest. Through this Sermon Series, we will discover that when we seek to make room for these 4 important R’s, God has more room to grow us and guide us to become more deeply rooted in Christ.
Vacation Bible School starts next Monday, June 5 at 5:30 PM and runs through Thursday June 8! Thank you to all who have volunteered and shared supplies with us for VBS already! Hero Hotline is going to be a lot of fun and a wonderful opportunity for our children to learn and put down deep roots in their faith. Please pray for the children and all the volunteers who will participate in VBS this year. Ask God to bless them and grow each one in his grace.
This summer, we are also trying something new specifically for our Middle and High School during the summer months. Union’s Meet Up Mondays will give our Middle and High Schoolers a chance to connect for more regular times of prayer and fellowship during the summer months! If you have a Middle or High School student, please check out the information about Meet Up Mondays in the pages that follow or reach out to Holly for more information.
Union has also been invited to a game kickball and cookout with several sister churches in our area on June 11 at 6:00 PM. This gathering will be held at Watkinsville First United Methodist. All young adults, youth, children, and those young at heart are invited to join our Union Kickball Team and share in this fun time together!
Please also make sure to mark your calendars for our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 11 following morning worship. As we prepare for the new church year that begins in July, your participation in this important meeting is vital. We will share a covered-dish meal together after our business is concluded that day in the Fellowship Hall.
Union Family, I love being your pastor, and I am so thankful for the vibrant life and ministry that we have together!