It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down and school bells will be ringing again soon. It seems like only yesterday that summer started. But even as the seasons change, many exciting things are coming up for us as a church family!
On Sunday, July 30, we have an Intergenerational Ice Cream and Music Social in the Fellowship Hall. This year, I am praying that God will continue growing us even more fully into a multigenerational church family. Every generation brings something unique to the Body of Christ, and our intergenerational fellowship opportunities give us a chance to develop relationships with each other across the generations. No matter our age or which generation we represent, we can always learn from each other and support each other as we grow in faith together. Our Ice Cream and Music Social will be a fun and relaxed time for everyone! I hope you will join us and get to know someone from another generation better.
Our annual Blessing of the Backpacks will take place on Sunday, August 6, in morning worship. This is a great time to invite students, teachers, and school staff to join you at Union. During worship, we will pray for all students (preschool to graduate school), teachers, and school staff. We will also share a blessing tag for school bags and backpacks as a reminder of the many prayers that go with those who learn and serve in our schools this year.
August 6 is also the Fall Kick Off for the Sunday evening programs for our Courageous Youth and Cool Kids. This year, we are trying a new schedule. Our Cool Kids will meet with Ms. Holly from 4:00-5:15 PM, and our Courageous Youth will meet with her from 5:00-6:15 PM. You may notice some overlap, and that's so each group can enjoy snack supper together but also have their own unique time of learning and fun with Ms. Holly. Parents, please be on the lookout for more details from Holly soon. And church, please pray that God will grow our youth and children in his grace this year and they seek to follow Jesus.
On Sunday, August 13, you are invited to join us for Union Sunday as we mark 171 years of ministry as a church. On this special Sunday, we will celebrate the past and look forward to the future God that is calling us to together. Union Sunday is a great day to invite friends and neighbors to come and experience the warmth, love, and care that we find at Union! We will also share a delicious covered dish fellowship meal after worship on Union Sunday.
On Saturday, August 26, we will hold a Deacons and Elders Leadership Retreat, from 10:00-2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. This workshop is for both current and previously ordained Elders, as well as those who are serving or have served as Deacons previously. Our theme for the retreat will be Forward Together. Lunch will be provided. Please let me know if you plan to attend the Leadership Retreat by August 15.
Indeed, even as the seasons change, God has great things ahead, Union family! It's a joy to journey with you!