Many folks make New Year's resolutions each January. You may want to eat a bit healthier or be more intentional about spending time with your family this year. You may want to exercise a little more or finally clean out all your closets and donate some things you don't need to charity this year. New Year’s Resolutions can sometimes be a really good thing, but if we are honest with ourselves, we often abandon our resolutions by the time February rolls around.
So, this year, instead of making a resolution, I want to invite you to prayerfully ask God some visioning questions for 2024 as you pray during January. Below are 10 suggested questions to ask God this month. As you pray, seek to listen and discover the new things he wants to do in and through you and us together in 2024.
Oh Lord, how do you want to grow me in grace, wisdom, or service this year?
How do you want to enrich my life through Bible Study, fellowship, or worship this year?
How do you want to grow my prayer life and draw me closer to you?
How do you want to use me this year to share love and encouragement with those who need it most?
What do you want me to subtract or add this year so that I might focus more on you?
What do you want to teach me this year?
What do you want me to share with others this year?
What are your dreams for me? For my family?
What are your dreams for Union Christian Church?
What are your dreams for our community, and how might you want to use me and the Union Family to make those dreams a reality this year?
Right from the start of this year, may we focus on how God works in our lives instead of what we can accomplish on our own. God is always doing something new, and we are invited to catch a glimpse of it daily as we seek his face in prayer.
Indeed, may God give us eyes to see and hearts that embrace the new things he wants to do in us, through us, and in our midst in 2024! I look forward to seeing all the ways God will grow and guide us this year!