Each of us is an integral part of the Body of Christ, and we each have various gifts, talents, and passions that God has given us for service and ministry together. The Apostle Paul's words to the Church at Corinth remind us, "You are the Body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor. 12:27). Indeed, we need each other in our life and ministry together!
A great way to get plugged in and use some of the gifts God has given you is to serve on one of Union’s Service Teams! Below are some short descriptions of our Service Teams. If you are interested in serving on a team, please take a moment to sign up as the clipboard is passed over the next several weeks. We are looking for more volunteers for each team. I would love to see a mixture of ages serving on these teams together. That way, team members can share knowledge, skills, and new ideas across the various generations of the church. This type of intergenerational approach will help us keep our shared ministry vital and strong for years to come. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information if you have any questions about Union’s Service Teams. I am thankful that we are a serving church! Here are our Service Teams for 2024-2025:
Worship Leader Team- Lead the Call to Worship, offer the Invocation, and read the Opening Scripture during morning worship.
Children’s Church Teacher- Teach a Bible lesson to our preschool and elementary-aged children. A lesson plan with fun activities will be provided.
Children’s Ministry Assistants- Assist the lead teacher or childcare provider as needed on Sunday in children's church or the nursery.
Children’s Chat Team- Share a Bible story or object lesson with our children during morning worship.
Greeter Team- Welcome guests and members to Union in a warm and friendly way.
Sanctuary Prep Team- Prepare the Sanctuary and Communion Table for morning worship.
Hospitality Team- Help provide food and hospitality during times of illness, bereavement, or for special events.
Maintenance Team- Troubleshoot and work with a team to tackle the maintenance and repair needs of the church building and grounds.
Safety and Security Team- Secure and monitor the church building and parking lot on Sunday mornings.
I am thankful for each of you and the many ways we can serve together as the Body of Christ!