October 19

I am honored to be your pastor and am so grateful for the beautiful flowers and gift card you gave me on Sunday.  What a wonderful surprise!  Serving God together with Union is one of the great joys in my life.  I am looking forward to this next year as we continue to dream new dreams together.
As most of you know, I will be away this Sunday in North Carolina, hopefully welcoming a new grandson into the world!  Ray Austin will be preaching in my absence and I know you will welcome and hear him gladly.  My plan is to leave today and return next Tuesday.  We all appreciate your prayers!
Elsewhere in this midweek, you will notice that we are fast approaching an exceptionally busy time of year.  The month of November finds us with many ministry opportunities.  We will have the opportunity to fill Thanksgiving Boxes for those in need in our community, as well as shoeboxes for those in need around the world.  Information about both will be available in the Gathering Space beginning soon. 
It is a good time to be at Union and to have opportunities to share God’s love with our community in so many ways.  Will you join in?

-Pastor Jane