This week, we begin a new sermon series, the last one in our walk through the Bible. This final series focuses on the church and its beginning. How did these early believers form together into a community of faith. There is a lot we can learn from them. This week...
In the book of Acts, we hear the story of the early church, where we read that they “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). The first church in Jerusalem grounded its people in the Word, in deep community, to sharing meals and sharing Christ, and to prayer. They had to. The task at hand was too big for them to accomplish on their own. They needed each other. Mostly they needed God.
That hasn’t changed, has it? We still have the same commission to be witnesses for Jesus in our community and in our world. We are still called to the Word, to love each other, to share life, and to prayer. How are you doing with this commission? This week, will you make a commitment to spend some time in God’s word, to share love and life with each other, and to spend time in prayer? These are the cornerstones of the church. Will they also become the cornerstones of your life?
-Pastor Jane